Does size matter? (I’m asking for a friend.)
Well, according to the scientists, it matters a lot, particularly for fish. A new literature review commissioned by Good Fishing by University of Auckland’s Dr Arie Spyksma offers a deep dive into the pivotal role that large snapper play in maintaining the balance of kelp forest ecosystems, and the far-reaching impacts of fishing.
Do fish survive catch-and-release?
We release fish because we want them to live…. So, do they live?
Bluefin are slowly recovering—should we kill more of them?
Fishos have a week to respond to government on the allocation for southern bluefin—give it to commercial, or bank it with rec. Which one of those options will result in more tuna in the sea?
Are fishos responsible for the decline?
To put it in perspective, think of your greatest day fishing in the past 40 years, and multiply it by four times to get an understanding of how powerful this fishery was at the turn of the century. It must have been awesome.
Hāpuku in the inner Gulf?
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, fishos didn’t have to roll their guts our on a $1000/day charter boat at the Ranfurly Banks to catch a hāpuku. They could drop a line over the side at the Noises, or any of the Gulf Islands for that matter.
What’s going on with the reefs?
With a century of heavy fishing on this coast, there are few crays and big snapper left. Without predators, kina populations explode and they mow down the kelp forest like diggers driving through a rainforest.
What’s the first step?
There are few devices as barbaric and unsophisticated as a dredge. They scoop up everything in their path, and in their wake leave a torn up seafloor as thanks. Nothing says ‘munter’ like a dredge.
Won’t protected areas just displace effort?
The new SeaChange proposal suggests 13 new protected areas. Are these new protections just going munt the surrounding reefs?
How do we fix the Hauraki Gulf?
The once abundant Hauraki Gulf is on the brink of collapse, and while science is clear on how to repair it, many are putting rights before responsibilities. Here’s what needs to happen.